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Leaders in Oncology



الرواد فى علاج الاورام فى مصر

تحرص الجمعيه المصريه لعلاج الاورام على تسجيل تاريخ بدء انشاء الكيانات الطبيه الحديثه لعلاج هذا المرض فى مصر حتى تتعرف الاجيال القادمه عن من ساهم فى ارساء قواعد و أساس هذا التخصص فى مصر


بدايه التفكير كانت فى الخمسينيات من القرن الماضى وذلك طبقا لما يرويه لنا الاستاذ الدكتورمحمود شريف الرئيس الشرفى للجمعيه المصريه لعلاج الاورام والعميد الأسبق للمعهد القومى للاورام ووزير الادارة المحلية الأسبق كان قسم ٢٤ جراحه بالقصر العينى برئاسة ا.د. شفيق شلبى متخصص فى الجراحات الكبرى ومنها جراحات الاورام وكان يدعم هذا القسم ا.د. اسماعيل محرز و ا.د. رياض فوزى، ا.د. لطفى ابو النصر وا.د. اسماعيل السباعي وكان علاج الاورام اناذاك يعتمد عَلى الاستصال الجذرى للورم حيث ان العلاج الاشعاعى والكيمائى كانا فى المراحل الاوليه


كوّن ا.د. السباعي قسما خاصا لجراحه الاورام فى القصر العينى القديم وكان هناك تنافس بين القطبين على رياسه القسم وتم تسويه .النزاع بمعرفه السيد محمد احمد مدير مكتب الرئيس الراحل جمال عبد الناصر فكان ا.د. لطفى ابو النصر رئيسا للقسم واتبعه ا.د السباعي بعد انتهاء فتره الرئاسه للقسم


كانت فكرة انشاء معهد متخصص لعلاج الاورام بدأت عندما خصصت الحكومه مبلغ ٥٠ مليون جنيه لإنشاء اما معهدا للامراض المتوطنه او لعلاج السرطان. ولما كان ا.د. لطفى ابو النصر يتمتع باتصالات شخصيه مع المؤسسة الرئاسية فبدأ فى انشاء معهد الاورام فى نهايه الستينيات ليكون اول معهد متخصص لعلاج الاورام خلال تخصصات منفصلة فى جراحه الاورام وطب الاورام والأطفال والعلاج الاشعاعى. وتم ارسال عدد من الأطباء لبعثات تخصيصية لدول أوروبية واليابان والولايات المتحدة الامريكيه للتخصص فى العلوم الأساسيه كًبيولوجيا الاورام وفرماكولوجيا علاج الاورام وغيرهما

لم يقصر دور اساتذه المعهد بقادة الجيل الاول والثانى على انشاء المعهد القومى بل امتد لإنشاء اول معهد لعلاج الاورام خارج القاهره وكان اول محطه هى مدينة طنطا فتم إنشاء معهد تابع لوزارة الصحة لعلاج السرطان وكانت هناك زيارات اسبوعية من فريق جراحى بقياده ا.د. السباعي، ا.د. محمود شريف وا.د. محمد عباس لإجراء جراحات متقدمة وتدريب الأطباء هناك وذلك بدون اى مقابل مادى
فى ذلك الحين اصبح العلاج لايقتصر على الجراحات الجذريه لأورام بل امتد الى استخدام العلاج الاشعاعى بالكوبالت المشع وتصدر المشهد ا.د. حسن عواض وا.د. سامى البدوى وا.د. محسن برسوم واساتذه اخرين لا يتسع المجال لذكر دورهم فى انشاء كوادر متخصصة من الأطباء و فيزيائيين وفنيين بالمعهد القومى للاورام بالقاهره


فى نهايه الستينيات ثبت فاعليه استخدام العلاج الكيمائى فى علاج الاورام وكانت ا.د. نازلى جاد المولى اول رئيس لقسم طب الاورام مع ا.د. رضا حمزه والذى اصبح الانً يضم عشرات من اعضاء هيئة التدريس


فى توقيت مقارب لبدء المعهد القومى فى علاج المرضى من كافه المحافظات كانت جامعه القاهره قد أسست قسما لعلاج الاورام بمنطلق طب الاورام الإكلينيكي بدون الفصل بين تخصصات علاج الاورام وكان للاستاذ الدكتور محمود محفوظ وزير الصحه الأسبق فى عهد الرئيس أنور السادات دورا محوريا فى انشاء مراكز اخرى فى أسيوط وجامعة عين شمس


لجامعه الاسكندرية دورا أساسيا فى انشاء تخصص لعلاج الاورام الإكلينيكي الذى بدأه ا.د. جمال مسعود وشاركه ا.د. احمد باديب والأستاذ الدكتوره ليلى موسى وتدرب فى ذلك القسم عشرات من الاساتذه هم الان رعاه مرضى الاورام فى مدينه الثغر بالاضافة لمعهد البحوث الطبيه الذى ساهم فى تدريب كوادر طبييه للعمل فى تشخيص وعلاج السرطان وذلك بإشراف ا.د. محى الدين الخرادلى


توالت الجامعات المصرية فى انشاء أقسام متخصصة لعلاج الاورام فى أسيوط والمنصورة وطنطا لعلاج المرضى فى مختلف المحافظات
وأدركت وزاره الصحه والسكان ضرورة انشاء مراكز متكاملة لعلاج الاورام فى مختلف المحافظات فتم انشاء اول مركز تابعا الوزارة بعد معهد طنطا فى أسيوط وهو معهد جنوب الوادي لعلاج الاورام وذلك إبان تولى ا.د. اسماعيل سلام وزاره الصحة وأعقب ذلك انشاء مراكز اخرى فى الأقصر وأسوان وسوهاج والفيوم والمنيا وكفر الشيخ وميت غمر وبلغ عدد المراكز التابعة لوزاره الصحه اربعة عِشره مركزا

وللمجتمع المدني دور متميز فى تقديم علاج مرضى الاورام بالمجان فكانت مبادره السيدة علا غبور بإنشاء اول مستشفى متخصص لعلاج الأطفال المصابين بالسرطان فيما عرف بمستشفى ٥٧٣٥٧ حيث قد تبرعت بمبلغ عشره مليون جنيه لبدايه العمل بالمستشفى



The Egyptian Cancer Society is eager to record the history of the establishment of modern medical entities for treating Cancer in Egypt. Thus, the future generations will know who contributed in establishing the basis of this specialty in Egypt.



In the fifties of the last century the beginning of thinking was, according to Professor Dr. Mahmoud Sharif, (the honor President of Egyptian Cancer Society and the former Dean of the National Cancer Institute and the former Minister of Local Administration) declaration; Section 24 for surgery at the Kasr Al Aini Hospital headed by Prof. Shafiq Shalaby and specializes in major surgery including surgeries for tumors. Surgical operations were supported at this section by Prof. Ismail Mehrez, Prof.  Riad Fawzi, Prof.  Lotfy Abuel Nasr and Prof.  Ismail El Sebai. At the time, surgical management depends on radical excision as both radiotherapy and chemotherapy were not fully implemented.


Prof. Sebai developed a special section for Onco-surgery in the old Kasr El Aini. There was a competition between the two main poles for this section management. The conflict was resolved by the acquaintance of Mr. Mohamed Ahmed, director of late President Gamal Abdel Nasser office. Prof. Lotfy Abu Al-Nasr was the Head of the onco-surgery section and was followed by Prof. El Sibai after the end of his presidential term. 



The idea of ​​establishing a specialized institute for cancer treatment began when the government allocated 50 million pounds to establish either a institute for endemic diseases or cancer treatment. Prof. Lotfi Abu-Nasr take advantage of his personal contacts with the presidential organization and started the establishment of the National Cancer Institute in the late sixties to be the first specialized institute for the tumors treatment. 



Adding new separate specialization in the surgical oncology, medical oncology, pediatric oncology and radiotherapy. to upgrade doctor’s qualification, they were sent in scholarships and research missions for European countries, Japan and United States and in new domains in basic sciences as tumor biology, clinical pharmacology



The first generation of professors in addition to their leadership for doctors in the National Cancer Institute, help in the establishment of the first institute affiliated to the Ministry of Health for cancer treatment at Tanta city, Gharbia governorate. There were weekly visits from a surgical team led by Prof. Sebai, Prof. Mahmoud Sherif and Prof. Mohamed Abbas to conduct advanced surgeries and training for staff doctors without any compensation. 



At that time, the cancer treatment was not confined to the radical surgery but extended to radiation therapy with radioactive cobalt. This scene was led by Prof. Hassan Awwad, Prof. Samy Badawy, Prof. Mohsen Barsoum and others. They established specialized department and teach and generates cadres of doctors, physicists and technicians at the National Cancer Institute. 



At the end of the 1960s, it was proven that chemotherapy was used in tumors management of. Prof. Nazli Gad al-Mawla was the first head of medical oncology department followed with Prof. Reda Hamza. Now medical oncology department includes dozens of faculty members. In a close time for start of the National Cancer Institute in treating of patients from all governorates, the Cairo University established a cli nical oncology department without separation between the specialties. Prof. Mahmoud Mahfouz, former Minister of Health (under the Late president Anwar El Sadat) had central role in the establishing of other oncology centers in Assiut and Ain Shams University. 



Alexandria University of has played a key role in the establishment of a specialty for clinical oncology, it was initiated by Prof. Gamal Masoud, shared by Prof.  Ahmed Badib and Prof. Laila Mousa, where dozens of doctors were trained. The Institute of Medical Research in Alexandria shared in training doctors in diagnosing and treating cancer patients under the supervision of Prof. Mohieddin Al-Kharadly. 


Egyptian universities have been involved in the establishment of specialized departments for cancer treatment in Assiut, Mansoura and Tanta for treating patients in various governorates.


The Ministry of Health and Population realized the necessity of establishing integrated centers for cancer treatment in various governorates. During Prof. Ismail Salam ministerial time, the first center established after the Tanta Institute was in Assiut, as the South Valley Institute, and the Ministry of Health followed by the establishment of other centers in Luxor, Aswan, Sohag, Fayoum, and Meit Ghamr.


Non-governmental organizations have a unique role in providing free treatment for cancer patients. One of these initiatives was started by Mrs. Ola Ghabour to establish the first specialized hospital for treating cancer in children, known as 57357 Hospital, where she donated ten million pounds as start fund.



Surgical Oncology

Prof. Ahmed Lotfy Aboul Nasr
Prof. Ismail Taha El Sebaie
Prof. Mahmoud Elsayed Sherif
Prof. Salah Shahbander
Prof. Mohamed Abbas
Medical Oncology
Prof. Mohamed Reda Hamza
Prof. Mohamed Nabil El Bolkainy
Prof. Hassan Nabil Tawfik
Prof. Bahiga Elmorsi
Radiation Oncology
Prof. Mahmoud Mahfouz 
Prof. Hassan Kamel Awaad
Prof. Laila Mousa 
Prof. Ahmed Omar Badib
Prof. Ahmed Osman
Cancer Epidemiology & Biostatistics
Prof. Amal Sami Ibrahim
Clinical Pathology
Prof. Mostafa Aboul Enin


The Egyptian Cancer Society is eager to record the history of the establishment of modern medical entities for treating Cancer in Egypt. Thus, the future generations will know who contributed in establishing the basis of this specialty in Egypt.


In the fifties of the last century the beginning of thinking was, according to Professor Dr. Mahmoud Sharif, (the honor President of Egyptian Cancer Society and the former Dean of the National Cancer Institute and the former Minister of Local Administration) declaration; Section 24 for surgery at the Kasr Al Aini Hospital headed by Prof.  Shafiq Shalaby and specializes in major surgery including surgeries for tumors. Surgical operations were supported at this section by Prof. Ismail Mehrez, Prof.  Riad Fawzi, Prof.  Lotfy Abuel Nasr and Prof.  Ismail El Sebai. At the time, surgical management depends on radical excision as both radiotherapy and chemotherapy were not fully implemented.


Prof. Sebai developed a special section for Onco-surgery in the old Kasr El Aini. There was a competition between the two main poles for this section management. The conflict was resolved by the acquaintance of Mr. Mohamed Ahmed, director of late President Gamal Abdel Nasser office. Prof. Lotfy Abu Al-Nasr was the Head of the onco-surgery section and was followed by Prof. El Sibai after the end of his presidential term


The idea of ​​establishing a specialized institute for cancer treatment began when the government allocated 50 million pounds to establish either a institute for endemic diseases or cancer treatment. Prof. Lotfi Abu-Nasr take advantage of his personal contacts with the presidential organization and started the establishment of the National Cancer Institute in the late sixties to be the first specialized institute for the tumors treatment. 
Adding new separate specialization in the surgical oncology, medical oncology, pediatric oncology and radiotherapy. to upgrade doctor’s qualification, they were sent in scholarships and research missions for European countries, Japan and United States and in new domains in basic sciences as tumor biology, clinical pharmacology.


The first generation of professors in addition to their leadership for doctors in the National Cancer Institute, help in the establishment of the first institute affiliated to the Ministry of Health for cancer treatment at Tanta city, Gharbia governorate. There were weekly visits from a surgical team led by Prof. Sebai, Prof. Mahmoud Sherif and Prof. Mohamed Abbas to conduct advanced surgeries and training for staff doctors without any compensation.
At that time, the cancer treatment was not confined to the radical surgery but extended to radiation therapy with radioactive cobalt. This scene was led by Prof. Hassan Awwad, Prof. Samy Badawy, Prof. Mohsen Barsoum and others. They established specialized department and teach and generates cadres of doctors, physicists and technicians at the National Cancer Institute.
At the end of the 1960s, it was proven that chemotherapy was used in tumors management of. Prof. Nazli Gad al-Mawla was the first head of medical oncology department followed with Prof. Reda Hamza. Now medical oncology department includes dozens of faculty members.
In a close time for start of the National Cancer Institute in treating of patients from all governorates, the Cairo University established a clinical oncology department without separation between the specialties. Prof. Mahmoud Mahfouz, former Minister of Health (under the Late president Anwar El Sadat) had central role in the establishing of other oncology centers in Assiut and Ain Shams University
Alexandria University of has played a key role in the establishment of a specialty for clinical oncology, it was initiated by Prof. Gamal Masoud, shared by Prof.  Ahmed Badib and Prof. Laila Mousa, where dozens of doctors were trained. The Institute of Medical Research in Alexandria shared in training doctors in diagnosing and treating cancer patients under the supervision of Prof. Mohieddin Al-Kharadly
Egyptian universities have been involved in the establishment of specialized departments for cancer treatment in Assiut, Mansoura and Tanta for treating patients in various governorates
The Ministry of Health and Population realized the necessity of establishing integrated centers for cancer treatment in various governorates. During Prof. Ismail Salam ministerial time, the first center established after the Tanta Institute was in Assiut, as the South Valley Institute, and the Ministry of Health followed by the establishment of other centers in Luxor, Aswan, Sohag, Fayoum, and Meit Ghamr.
Non-governmental organizations have a unique role in providing free treatment for cancer patients. One of these initiatives was started by Mrs. Ola Ghabour to establish the first specialized hospital for treating cancer in children, known as 57357 Hospital, where she donated ten million pounds as start fund. 

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